
for foreingner

For foreigners

Thank you for finding our website. Before booking, we have to let you know about our system.

Japanese driver’s license required. No International license

Japanese drivers lisence which you learned at Japanese diver’s school and authenticated in Japan required. At our shop, internaional lisense is not valid.

You have to be able to speak Japanese just like a native speaker

None of us speaks English/Chinese/Korean/other languages, so if you can’t speak Japanese fluently, please do not book. *No Translating Apllication, you need to be able to understand Japanese by yourself. If you don’t understand what we talk, you can never rent our car.

Additional \2,750/1day car insuarance required

We provide the car insuarance / 1 day. We explain this in Japanese at our shop, and if you are not Japanease, you must add this insuarance, or we can’t rent a car. Please kindly understand and add this car insuarance.

If 1/10-1/13=\11,000

Deep knowledage about Japanese road sign required.

You need to know all of Japanese road sign. For examples, bellows.

間違いやすい道路標識|安心・快適ドライブ|保険なるほど知恵袋 ... あなたはこの標識の意味がわかりますか?運転歴が長い人こそ復習が必要!?

There are similar road signs in all over Okinawa, and you have to watch them and underdtand and decide what’s the right way in few seconds.

Again, we only speak in Japanese and you have to understand all just like a Japanese native speaker. If you are confident to it, with deep knowledage about Japanese road signs, please make a reservation.

For your safety

Japanser roads are much more difficult than other country’s roads, and easily arrested by the police. Even for Japanese people, driving along the law and driving safely is difficult,and actually so many foreingers are involved in the serious accident. For your safety, if you are not confident to the conditions above, please do not book.




  沖縄 レンタカー オープンカー